【地震情報】20220906101836 上川地方南部 M3.7 深さ120km 最大震度1
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001かえるさん ★
垢版 |
2022/09/06(火) 10:23:01.58ID:CAP_USER
2022年09月06日 10時21分 気象庁発表
発生日時: 2022年09月06日 10時18分頃
震源地: 上川地方南部 北緯43.0度、東経142.4度

★ この地震による津波の心配はありません。
詳細は気象庁 地震情報ページ https://www.jma.go.jp/jp/quake/quake_local_index.html で確認してください
0002かえるさん ★
垢版 |
2022/09/06(火) 10:23:03.07ID:CAP_USER
北海道 震度1
 胆振地方中東部 震度1
  震度1  苫小牧市 

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2022/09/06(火) 10:38:04.62ID:iyPb4fBc0
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2022/09/06(火) 11:01:08.01ID:bm94Q5An0
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2022/09/06(火) 13:45:29.54ID:iyPb4fBc0
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2022/09/06(火) 13:55:34.91ID:iyPb4fBc0
Why must the pieces kill each other like this ?
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2022/09/06(火) 14:09:54.48ID:iyPb4fBc0
I want to get married.
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2022/09/06(火) 14:30:28.70ID:iyPb4fBc0
You might be familiar with the whole idea that you eat eight spiders per year in your sleep. You might also be familiar with the idea that this is, in itself, a hoax. So the story goes, in 1993 a writer named Lisa Birgit Holst was writing an article for a magazine called PC Professional all about how no one bothered to factcheck things and how easy it was to get people to believe any old garbage as long as you presented it in the right way. Naturally, this is how conspiracy theorists get you to believe the idea: they present just enough information to be plausible while still ignoring all of the other information. This is the official line from Snopes, who post a clear FALSE rebuttal without further comment.

The problem is, no one has ever been able to locate this article. Not in twenty-five years at this point. No one's ever been able to track down a publication named PC Professional that was active at the right time, and no one's ever heard of Lisa Birgit Holst.
The last one isn't particularly surprising, perhaps, because her
name is an anagram of 'This is a big troll'. Moreover, the citations in the Snopes article don't align with anything relevant. (They cite a book called Insect Fact and Folklore by Lucy W. Clausen, which does exist -- but page 24, which they note as the source for the quote, doesn't have anything to do with spiders, let alone eating them; it's actually about moths.
There is no section in the book about spiders, which shouldn't come as much of a surprise to the entomology nerds among you, because spiders are technically arachnids and not insects anyway.)

So what's the deal? Well, it's very possible that it's a copyright trap on the part of Snopes -- sort of in the way mapmakers would include paper towns in their work, so that anyone copying the map would also copy the error and be found out.
(Snopes has to be aware of this theory now, and yet the page hasn't been updated.)

The other possibility, of course, is that Snopes is just fucking around, and created a page about people who don't check their sources to encourage people to check their sources.

So yes. The idea that you might eat eight spiders a year is false, but the explanation of why it's false is also false, and almost certainly purposefully so. Layers upon layers.
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2022/09/06(火) 15:12:58.90ID:iyPb4fBc0
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2022/09/06(火) 15:26:50.17ID:iyPb4fBc0
To be fair.Shinzo was still attracting top of them.A Epic.
you were so diginify
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2022/09/06(火) 15:35:33.68ID:iyPb4fBc0
51,resign.I resigned the game not you.
Good luck.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
